and aurea had parked the car. they went to dinner.hat they had to stop at pink skirt for a moment. and after stopping at pink skirt, they came down the street, where they were met by the assailant, who killed adam right here in this cross section. narrator: aurea had also been attacked. the assailant pushed her or struck her. and then she fell. narrator: the police were working diligently to identify and track down adam's murderer. but they weren't the only ones poking around the streets of san juan, so was adam's father, abe. you made several trips to puerto rico. oh, many times, many times. what were you hoping to get out of going there? well, first of all, i had to clean up his business affairs. but most important of all, i wanted to talk to the people out onto the street in old san juan. everybody knew the story. they hadn't had a murder in old san juan for 20 years. and they were ashamed of this one, is what everyone kept telling me. it's an unauthorized killing, abe. it's an unauthorized killing. so of course, you know, what was