underground, the resistance for over two years until he was arrested, brutally tore turd and sent to auschwitz in death block 11 and then transferred to rosen and then again in 1945 for which he escaped. a woman who revealed his name was beheaded by nazi forces. daring to write his own democratic constitution in -- two years after our own. polish lost a great percentage of their population. approximately one in five people. cities such as warsaw were erased because people fought unrelentingly until they were subdued. fleeing to germany, marion met his life-long love, a polish girl scout and a member of the downground resistance. she and her family had been arrested in watersauer and sent to the notorious prison and she had experiments performed on her. they married, they had their first child, my friend, and immigrated to the u.s. they were sponsored by marion's cousin in toledo. he published the polish newspaper. he built a career in neighborhood and community development, working until age 80. like some generals, marion dedicated his life to the cause of liberty and community building. he wa