just a few moments ago i spoke with austan goolsbee, the president's top economic adviser. with all the other troubled spots in the economy, i asked him about his advice to the president about how to handle these higher gas prices. >> it's good that the price of oil is down a little bit this week, but the president was concerned about gas prices and our energy policy before gas prices ever spiked. he continues to be now. my advice is pursuing the polices that he is, which are, number one, let's expand production at home as much as we can in a safe manner, 2010 had the highest domestic production since 2003, number two, let's explore alternative fuels and get the research to do that, and number three, let's do everything we can to reduce energy usage and increase energy efficiency in our cars and in our other vehicles. >> that's a policy advice to the president. let's forget about your boss just for one second here. what would be your advice to consumers that are trying to handle some of these higher costs? >> look, it's tough to deal with those costs. i'm one of those consu