even though i'm not a austen fan, i love you guys, man. [laughter] what an incredible city. it really is. you are an incredible, incredible city. you are not supposed to say you're not a red sox fan, you aree i was from, if for the red sox, you got the living hell kicked out of you, so there was a good reason not to be a red sox fan. become the face of america's resolve, not unlike what happened in 9/11. you have become the face of america postures all for the whole world to see. ,'ve traveled around the world i've traveled 900 thousand miles just being vice president. people know all about you. they know who you are. they know your pride, they know your courage, they know your resolve to stop they know who you are. that's why the twisted, cowardly terrorists who acted here and do what they do, they try to instill fear so that we will jettison what we value the most and what the world most values about us. an open society. our system of justice. our freedom of religion, our access to opportunity, the free flow of ideas across the country, the willingness and anycity to gathe