want to show you the different side of me, so that when i'm done playing, you're not like, oh, austin ekeler, yeah, he was a great running back. you're like, oh, i still follow austin because we have an engagement. i see him as a different type of a person, an all-around person. as good as he was on the field, he was even better at "warzone." right. i'm trying to create multiple strings to people. so that when football breaks, they're still holding on, they're still interested for a different reason. so whether you're gaming, whether you're catching passes, would you agree that being mentally sharp, hyperaware of your surroundings are key elements to your success? absolutely. well, we're going to put those skills to the test. because after the break, we're going to see if you're just as sharp in the offseason with a special guest who's sleight of hand may be worthy of a lombardi trophy. what's up, everybody. and welcome back to "celebrity sleepover." with me is nfl star, mr. austin ekeler, and the talented magician who threw me off my game the last time he was here-- agt winner and vegas hea