by the mid-1830s, austraa's economy was well and truly riding on the sheep's back. more new land was opened up, wheat farmers followedthe . evenally, newly developed agricultural techniques and machiry reduced the numbers of people needed to grow and harvest wheat, while sheep grazing was never labor-intensive. paradoxically, there were more jobs generated in the cities than there were in rural locations. there were jobs in offices, there were jobs in shiing companies, narrator: thus, rural wealth created andurban jobs,s. and the cities developed into business centers. when railways arrived in the 1850s, freight lines began to stretch inland from these port cities, bringing ever more commodities to the coast epand as iustry expanded animmigration was relied on for uincreasingly grew as source of new labor, most newrrivals settle in the coastal cities-- australia's cities were founded on the externaconnections of its rural production to britain, anthe delopment of mafacturing and mining. it remains much the same today, except that britain is much less important as ae