mo reesarnever speaking auten to kabt the hehe and hurt and many said to me, lee, nobody has ever asked me about my story. nobody has ever sat down with me and asked. for those people, this was really cathartic that they shared it and had it in a book and now their children are seeing good and it's having a great impact on the. to me, it only emphasizes how important it is that we ask each other about our stories. >> is such an interesting comment, we can talk when we get back from the break on the affective silence on the affective not asking for not knowing. please join us back here on mosaic. >>> good morning and welcome back to mosa we are in the middle of a wonderful conversation about his book . if you would like to have more information about refugees in america, please go to refugees in that is refugees in welcome back. we were talking about all of the different stories and i'm so interested in one of the words of the subtitle of your book, which is hope. you have a little piece on it that topic that is from one of the folks in the books and am wonderin