this week on meet the authorjim naughtie talks with the writer and historian norman davies about his new book beneath another sky: a globaljourney into history. he circumnavigates the globe to explore in some remotest places, stories of settlement and migration, driven by the primeval urge to "get up driven by the primeval urge to "get up and go." welcome. thing to think that we all have an urge to get up and go, it's quite another thing to do it. you are no young man. you set off and you sunshining up navigated the globe to all kinds of places that you must never have imagined that you would get to. what drove you on? after a certain age, i received an invitation to australia but i don't like long flights so i decided to go by easy stages and take my time. and then i realised why go back the same way, just keep going, it took several months but it was a tremendous idea at my age! and the story you have followed, really, is the story of human movement, of migration, which of course is a very contemporary problem, obsession but it is one that you see as fundamental and to explaining,