with the auto finance network your credit is guaranteed. every credit application will be approved - guaranteed. people who thought they would never get auto financing in the past have gotten approved on the spot with the auto finance network. don't delay, remember if you've got 88 dollars you ride - so what have you got to lose? dial the number on the screen and talk with one of our loan approval experts. don't delay call now! find out just how easy it is get that new car! going to college to trto get higher education can be very costly and those student loans can pile up very quickly and lead you to bad credit which is what i have. i needed a car and i didn't know who to call. i didn't know what to do. i didn't have a lot of money to put down and i didn't have a lot of money in my budget for another car payment. then i called during the crazy 88 event. for only 88 dollars down and 88 dollars a month i saved a lot of money and inconvenience. thank you crazy 88. i got a brand new chevy silverado for only 88 dollars down and 88 dollars a mont