autodesk requested an early termination right at 36 months. if their business line does not work out, they would like to escape police. -- the least. having the alternative of taking all the improvements and stopping is a very good option for us. we have agreed to that. these improvements will add value. the build out, their portion of it will be a second floor. we will get a 5800 square feet, we will get another 2500. i will be back to you on september 11 to ask for approval. the rent abatement. is not consistent with the port commission approved parameters. all the other terms of the lease are consistent with that. that concludes my presentation. >> public comment? commissioners, any questions? thank you. >> thank you very much. >> request authorization to issue a request for proposals for a restaurant opportunities site located a295near pier 48. >> asking your permission to issue an rfp. this site was formerly run as a restaurant. valdes was terminated in november of 2011. the site was a freestanding building, about 3000 square feet. the bu