. -- autoimminuty. autoin unimmunity is rapidly increasing. >> is that the one difference that has been found? >> i think the point is that there is growing suggestion that environmental factors may be playing a role in the increase. in parts of the syndrome for the office's inspection disorders may involve an alteration in the immune system. >> you are saying that there is a difference with the auto immune system. it can be interested to environmental factors and that could lead to believe that the firm into fighters could have something to do -- could lead us to believe a good have sending to do with it. >> and 81 parts of the optimism puzzle. the role of environmental factors in the increase in autism is in large part because you cannot -- our genes cannot change over a generation. the rapid increase in autism, which iwas studied at the cdc. one in 70 boys is developing autism. >> i take you both believe there has been an increase. you both believe there has been an increase. >> it is coming out of t