place around a car, you didn't just build a place around the car, you also built markets around automobility, and if you look into all these factors that shape and build an environment. so if you are going to turn it around, it takes a real and sustained engagement on all of those different fronts. i think one of the sort of weaknesses of traditional planning and urban design is to show a picture of what a good walkable neighborhood looks like and say, well, i showed you what it looks like, why aren't you building it? it turns out to be more of an uphill battle than you first imagined. it is very difficult work and it is work that is starting to yield fruit. there is definitely progress in san jose but also in other urban areas around the country there are crating a more walkable and accessible areas that are more affordable and more livable and better in terms of the public health benefits and so forth, but it is very, very difficult becausestaking work there are so many facets. >> i might disagree. in some ways, streets with sidewalk cafes or narrower roadways, which is actually the subjec