enterprise that they managed to evacuate, the tambov chelyabinsk and other regions of the autonomous republic of tiana, was practically the only content missing working hands. in the minutes of the meeting , they take how the communist parties of the republic in the section listened to the recordings, which were also alarming; in a number of regions of the republic, the number of able-bodied people numbered in the hundreds, while in other collective farms there were not even two dozen people. for the inhabitants of the republic , a new labor front began; for the belarusian people , the struggle began again, but already for the revival of the republic, a selfless struggle until the complete victory over hunger. and how valuable were the reports of their first labor achievements marked urgently in the air became more and more excited, the announcer of the belarusian radio managed to hide with difficulty the last preparations before the broadcast of the report, filled with optimism, pride in the first labor victories of the salon commissar of the bssr and tminsk, good afternoon, comrades 27 years how str