attended chico, but he came back home and he started work at amador valley athletic club, also known as avacfolks in the know. he met christey and they got married and started a family. ashton was born in 1993 and sarah lynn was born in 1996. mom jeans, awesome. following his brother and his father's examples, scott entered the trade, becoming a proud member of ibew local 595. dad made sure to refer to him as a wireman, not just a electrician. they referred to themselves as wiremen. he was a journeyman, a foreman and a general foreman. he was a clamper, scottie told me they had to join because they needed a designated driver. that's what his job was. the lungers were a young and growing family that often competed with each other. look at that family. scottie didn't give up on his dream of being a police officer. he was a reserve deputy for contra costa county for two years and did it for free. he worked the mounted patrol and worked the streets in lafayette, a contract city. after two years of reserves, scott was hired full-time by the cocoa county sheriff's department. he attended the alame