support her, we have friends, there is yana poplavskaya with zhenya, with her husband, volunteers in avanteevkavolunteer work. but nevertheless, we are doing one common thing, remaining unconvinced, there was, however , a precedent for me, one very respected person, having learned that i had signed a letter in support of the president, wrote to me, we are on different sides forever, but god be with him, since then we haven’t communicated, for more than 20 years we were friends and created, and... this is how it will all end, well, god’s life is healed, i remember how we talked to you here about your son daniel, with him you are talking about the front, about the special operation, he asked something when everything it started, he silently observes, but he was a cadet for some time, as if he understands in principle what we are talking about, what is happening, the only thing is... you live from paycheck to paycheck. i say: danya, it’s impossible to live in society and be free from society, you have to go to the taiga. well, they also have their own survival system, alyusya, your wife, how is sh