so, comrade captain, if you want to sell the house of avarishev vocational school, look for me sincehumping thumps, and tied up with a heavy one. well , it's not about you today. i am interested in a universal chemist who makes custom-made poisons of various methods and times of poisoning. he alone was just a fanatic, he could make a berry out of nothing. you see, what was his name oleg veryovkin, yes, oleg ropes, and he also received grants for that, to work in europe, that's where he doesn't know. well , why don’t you take it for so long, sleep, or something, try me a man named oleg verevkin, technological institute, so now finish your party, in half an hour people will have a rest. they want to eat, comrade general. who is this? find a way to get the record back, or you're next what. oh my god, where did it all go? with me, in fact, this is all until the door began to pound on the limifon, understand? well, say anatoly savvich? our case, but not rare in personality diagnostics. it can be said that the degree schizophrenia can be detected in her, but women of this profession in old