the story of a young woman sacrificed to appease avengeful, pounding, disnant, by a then unknown composer, igor stravinsky. the dancers, onstage, primitive. everything about it was new and shocking. >> in a few minutes, people started shouting in the audience, first murmers, and then shouting and fist fights broke out. >> so people were throwing punches? >> oh, yes,. you had people who felt like they were being insulted. they had mud thrown at them. this is utter madness, how can this even be presented as art? and then a few people saying, this might be the germ of something new. >> scandalous, shocking, ugly, parody, words that have been used to describe the shocking dances. while many of the iconic ballet performances today seem tame, they're part of the revolution that began in the early 20th century. some, like the firebird, have become well loved classics. of the nearly 100 ballets that came from the company in the years 1909 to 1929, none brought fort the ideas more than the rite of spring. >> you had this performance, a lightning