let's bring in our legal guides, avery friedman and looking organizatioh, so dapper, richard herman, us from las vegas. gentlemen, i think we're going to save that for the end. explain why you're in that beautiful tux, avery. so we got the drum beat going. mean time let's talk about these leaks, richard. is this leak an indicator, perhaps, if it's coming from prosecutors even, is it an indicator that maybe there is not going to be an indictment so drip, drip, drip, leak out some of this information so it's a softer blow to the community in particular or how do you read this? >> could very well be, fred. these grand jury proceedings are supposed to be private. none of this information is supposed to be leaked. by the fact that it was leaked, the community has got to say what's going on with our government if things like this are being leaked when they're not supposed to be. but what's critical here, fred, is this, the officer testified at the grand jury for four hours. the forensics, if they're true and accurate, appear to corroborate their story and there were six eyewitnesses who als