we're like the avis ad. we have to work harder to make our money grow. that's what tonight's special show is about, how to make your money work harder in a responsible way. we're using different types of stocks to show how we can do that responsibly and carefully, like get rich carefully. what suffages this show for years is personal investing. we call this episode years. why? because each one is written and thought about on a different entity on its own. i recognize it because it's something you, me and "mad money" are very proud about, about better investing for you. this show is about managing your own money or a full client if you have a service broker working for you. if you don't want to manage your own money, ever the years i have been perfectly happy you buying an index fund or a couple of them that represents the entire s&p 500 or one total return that has an estimator of all stocks and i have changed about mutual funds. so often they're about raising the money and so often they've beaten the stock market and i arrived at this jurngt, i bless th