we must strengthen avwa. whether they live in rural or urban areas whether they speak english or another language. congress has a unique opportunity to make a difference in the lives of so many by reauthorizing the violence against women act. thank you chairman leahy. ranking member sessions and the distinguished members of the committee for all you have done and all you will do to help victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. thank you. >> thank you very much. anne burke is our next witness. i think you wanted to say something about miss burke. of course having been married to a registered nurse for 47 years, i'm glad to have you here although i'm sorry for the reason you are here. >> thank you, mr. chairman . i just want to welcome miss burke here. rhode island is a small state. i don't think there was a person in the state who was not aware of the tragedy that befell her family and the terrible way in which her life changed when lindsay was murdered by an ex-boyfriend at the age of 23. we have also