are some businesses, who do not want that so we have a third party who issues the grants to the awa awardee. we have to date $208,599 in rent stabilization grants. so with that column that adds up that we had available in funding. so we have spent that to date. the last column shows the reserve. we do have $217,146 obligated in grants awarded in the pipeline and will also need to be renewed from the 16-17 rent stabilization grants that were awarded. so this leaves us with a remaining 6 -- excuse me. $64,104 i revenues that will be available should we receive any grants after june 8th to be able to fund that. so this concludes my presentation. i hope i provided you with the information you need to approve the release of the funds. i'm available for questions. >> thank you. we are going to take public comment on this. any member of the public would like to comment on the release of that he has funds please come down. seeing none, public comment -- i'm sorry. legislative analyst has some mm public comment is closed. now you. >> very brief, these were funds that were used to supplement this 17-