strieategs dan insecread ndfuing for medicaaslly-siedst addiction treat.tmen jog ininmeow n is doctor awndre kolodny't's e dimecal director of idopio picoly research at brandei'' hleelr school for social polanicy d namagement. dr. kolodnrey, gato thave you ckba on the "newr.shou" esthe are just ucenpredeednt on te ofheta stistics was that one amer iicans indyg every five minutes fromov an ersedo. i anyo, u have been yistudng these dstren touhrghout this entipire edec.mi d these numbsuers rpseri you? dr. androlew kod, nybrandeis iversity: thidey d. i haped exct tedhat we were going to be ivreceinbag d news, budit i d''t anticipahete ty ulwod get this mh ucworse. 10000,0 deaths in -ma 12onth period ines a w ryve grim milestone in this very long crisis. william:en i mtiedon that the rif se ofeanntyl is one of the isesri dving this. n u yohelp us whate elsis rtpa of it? iist largely feylntan? d anwhat else isvi dringhi ts? . drkolodny: ovelmrwheiny,gl these deathsol invvell iicitly hesyntsid zefentanyl. beand fo creovid hit, the feylntan pblroem had mainleny be affecting eathe stn erhalf of e thu