let me throw some facts and you tell me why many awrong. i don't see it that way at all. he has reached out. i remember when he got inaugurated, republicans met -- this is before the tea party before he had done anything and said we're going to block him on everything. i remember mcconnell say it's going to be a one-term presidency. i remember people yelling "you lie" i remember with the stimulus bill, he reached out, $republicans voted against tax cuts. health care bill, republican bill, romney-care. can you tell me, honestly -- >> don't let him get away with all of that. >> you'll havement of time to respond. don't you think the president has done anything right? can the republicans take responsibility for the tone? >> i think all parties have responsibility for the tone here. i think the president is the president of the whole country, not just the president of the democratic party. when you have events like took place over the past couple days, it doesn't help for for he to do that. steve and i have gotten together as freshmen. one of mandates of our class, folks at l