[engines revving] [phone ringing] - [various recorded voices] ayacucho, golf, papa, deterministic, hotel, sierra. camera, sierra, kilo. - thank you. [gunshots] [phone ringing] - yeah? - you're a hard man to locate, denton. - just being cautious. - it's good to be cautious. alicia corwin was cautious. course, it didn't save her. - what can i do for you? - my operative is making the corwin investigation go away. - glad to hear it. - look out for yourself, denton. one of us is already dead. i'd hate to lose any more. - i have a personal situation. i might be out of reach for a few days. - denton, we can always reach you. - where are they? - they're somewhere in there. - let's go. - go on. get out of here. i'll keep 'em busy. - yeah, okay. john-- - you can thank me later. [clang] - [grunts] [engine revving] - [grunts] [dog barking] [grunts] - where's the money? - it's gone. - that's bad news for you. - hey! pick on someone your own size. or someone a little closer to it. [winces] [grunting, struggling] [grunts] - you're an embarrassment to your race. when we rise up-- [thud] [grunts] - i've