ayanna bennett, who will be presenting tonight.w all the members had an opportunity to do one of the training modules, which was incredible and so informative and directive of the work we need to do to ensure equity in health in san francisco, so thank you so much for providing that opportunity to all of us, and we look forward to engaging in that and your presentation now. thank you. dr. bennett? >> thank you. [inaudible] is going to do the slide for me. so this is your racial equity action plan update, which we are doing four times this year, but this is an update. i don't want to let the racial equity action plan, which we have many amazing things that we need to do, but was developed outside the department, to overreach the obligations that we have in the department. we have lots and lots of obligations, but they aren't all encompassed there, so you'll be hearing those. next slide. there i am again. there's the office of health equity, so it's not just me. i used to encompass the entire thing, but now i do not. next slide. and