because of what hpened at the election and after the elecon and because of the response of ayatollah khameiniou he a new retionship with the rolutionary guard? how do youee your future and your ability and ur power in iran >> i'm a normal, regular person in iran. i was a teacher at a university and i'm a government- i'm sorry, yes, an enginr. people --individuals don't matter assuch. what mters is that our naon -- the powerful -- and it is a powerful one -- the iranian nation has proven that it can digestlarge events. and support of the leadership was not a support given an individu, it was a suppo given to theaw. heaid it is the law tha must run every affa in the country. that musrule the country. and for the first time, the ader uses his prerogative to extend the te frame normally given post-ections for electoral complaints. the guardi council announced several timesthat any other party that may have domentation or evidence proving that t election may have been distorted should hand those over to the grdian counci and theother side said, "no, e eleoral process itself was finebut the environ