has been ayatollah mahdavi keni from the 24th of aban 24th of 1959 in a temporary form ayatollah safi golpayegani from the 24th of december 1959 to the 24th of june 1967 mohammadi gilani from the 24th of july 1967 to the 24th july 1971 ayatollah ahmad jannati from the 24th of july 1971 to maryam haram hearing the approvals of the majlis reached the curse of the majlis . don't have any other considerations , the imam's emphasis was that the guardian council is doing its duty the iron armor of that jurist and six jurist members are formed. he said that the respected rights of the council are discussed . the issue is the conformity of the approvals with the rulings of the sharia and the appropriate one in the islamic republic. it is the right way to do it, god willing, the effectiveness of the guardian council. i think that the other duties and competencies of the guardian council have not been discussed in the shadow of the election supervision . we should talk a little more about the approach to the review of the supervision resolution and the contests so that they are not against sharia and the c