imposed under the threshold, informal bidding, and above the threshold, formal bidding and the third ayeah, who can accord the contract under the threshold amount, the department head can award the contract above the threshold amount the mayor if it's dpw or the commission is required approval for the other city departments, those are the main areas having to do with the threshold amount, however, there are lots of prosituations in chapter six, that give reference to threshold amount with task force or as needed contracts all of those would go up similarly. on page 22 of our report there is a table where based on data provided by the departments, in 2014, we looked at for public works, puc and the airport contracts if the $440,000 threshold was in effect for 2014, 31 contract would have been under that threshold amount, the dollar value is small, it's only 1.63%, that is because when you get above the threshold, you get a couple of projects you get one project like the rebuild of san francisco general, that is a billion dollars, and it skews all of the numbers but if you look up actually i