reuters reporter ayla jean yackley joins me from istanbul to discuss that. so what was it that pushed turkey into this fight? >> well as you mentioned, earlier this week, there was a suicide bomb attack in a town called suruc across the border from syria, and that sent shock waves throughout the country. that was not the first attack by islamic state on turkish territory but it was by far the most significant and deadliest and it had to be a factor in turkey's decision to move closer in alliance with the ally the united states. >> sreenivasan: we talked about two set of targets here that tuey is focusing on -- isis and kurdish separatists. they call them a terrorist organization. one person's terrorist organization is another person's freedom fighter, right. what's happening across that front? the pkkis also deemed a terrorist organization by the united states, as well as the european union. but the p.k.k., or at least forces allied with the p.k.k., in northern syria have been coordinating with the united states in its campaign against islamic state, but tur