. >> thank you senator ayottie. >> i join with other members of the committee in thanking you for yourrvice and your excellent testimony here this morning. focusing on afghanistan and the roadside loans or ieds. as you know, members of this committee and the united states senate consider the role of pakistan in providing ingredients used to make those roadside alms as a great threat to this nation's back in the 2012 defense authorization act. .. they have to up the major companies that produce this material or located in pakistan. there is extensive network from pakistan into afghanistan to move these materials. >> we know what those plants are. do we not? the macuser, we do. >> in fact, the congressional delegation that i joined as recently as august met with at least one of the owners of those plants who indicated their production is ongoing and the pakistanis have the wherewithal to stop the flow of those ingredients into afghanistan, did not, so? >> well, that is a good question, sir is how much the pakistani government controlled any name in the five top and the flat-out regions w