human shields take place, that is, from the population, this is what is typical, for example, for azarich. when there were battles for the liberation of belarus, the nazis retreated, children were loaded into the death train and transported as human shields. as soon as our aviation began to bomb, the german train stopped, gok! and the children were driven out into the street, seeing them, the pilots ceased fire. here with the help of the second belarusian front, who were captured, they will march in the parade of shame on july 17 in moscow, it was they who were captured here, yes, this is very significant, because more than twenty generals will be captured, and 19 of them will march there as part of this parade of shame in moscow, that is, this will be, well , an outstanding phenomenon, in the mogilev operation, the military leadership talent was clearly demonstrated. zakharova, the abilities of a military tactician and strategist, the ability to wisely navigate the current situation. the front successfully completed the tasks set, broke through the enemy's strong defense, liberated mogil