residents of reno and azel are taking action. >> the quake started recently and it woke me up.hought a 747 landed on my roof. >> at a round of hearings at the texas state capital, citizens voiced their complaints, the railroad is a state agency that regulates the gas and oil industry including drilling and disposal wells located throughout the state. >> how would you like it where you would have your grand kids play over in your yard if they fall in a sinkhole, they'll break their leg. >> in response to pressure the rrc has imposed a regulation that would require the oil and gas companies to research in an area before drilling new injection wells. >> i live 1.6 miles from an injection well that the usgs, the epa, the texas railroad commission and their geologists as well all said is the epicenter of the earthquakes that were caused in the reno azel area. >> what are you hoping to achieve? >> lower the rate that they are injecting the fluids. let's have someone come out and map the area and check for fault lines. >> southern methodists university geophysicist, is checking at the