rapper azelia banks, that's a very hateful thing. / sp: that was bad. /15:24:19 and this gal, she needs to be held accountable. last week controversial rapper azelia banks sent a series of vile tweets promoting violence against the former vp candidate sarah palin. banks has since apologized but they were so disturbing the mom of five threatened legal action. dm: why did you think it was important to sue her? /15:23:30 that's a good question though because i never threatened to sue someone based on what they have threatened me over and her threats were pretty bad. but on that one i was like, "you know what? dang it. that's enough." because we've dealt with stalkers before. they're three or four stalkers or even they're in jail now or have been in jail, who stalk my daughters and come to alaska to harass and do whatever. and it's a dangerous thing, a celebrity especially is inciting violence. stirring it up amongst her supporters, her followers to, "hey, go up there to alaska and, you know, do this to her or her family." i'm just like, "no, you know." it's like you can't, yell, fire in a