yeah so, uh caitlyn azevedo, dylan rice. may leong i think is waiting outside for the mayor right now , um, and then we have andrew's arena and we have sids, ellen ac and mike farentino, who are outside staffing right now. i couldn't do any of this work without all of your support. so thank you all so much. please take a moment to meet the staff . they're here to support you in any way you might need today and moving forward. um, i also want to just call out my colleague ben van houten, who i adore so much. um we call him the beard. um he is my thought, partner. um and ben and i are we feel very fortunate because we're able to go and spread the word about what we do with the entertainment commission. um globally, so we share what we do with other big cities not only in the united states, but in other countries for folks that are seeking to do something similar to what we do in the public sector in their cities. so ben, thank you so much for everything that you do. um i also just want to say that you'll have another chance to