so it would be kind of coming within the al- azhar institution itself. and again, you know, the brotherhood likes elections. so part of the problem though is that the brotherhood has flip- flopped on a lot of the positions it had when it was in the opposition. it used to be for a ceremonial president. it used to be for a weak executive with strong local governments and regional governments. now it's really shifted. so just because the brotherhood supported something before doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be consistent. and i guess that's politics. but it is striking to see how they've shifted, especially on the presidential issue, for example. >> okay. thanks very much. with that i'm going to open it up to our audience. now, we've, of course, spent most of our conversation up here talking about actors in egypt, what's going on in egypt, the competition between those actors. one issue we haven't touched on is the role of outsiders including the united states. so i welcome any questions on that. let me just ask you, please, two things, if you want t