conducted an experiment, atypical for a military pilot, to grow weightlessness of the aquatic fern azolariment was just to study how it behaves in space, will it? in his homeland he is still loved and celebrated as a loon. according to tradition, like all soviet cosmonauts, fantoine, upon returning from orbit, became a hero of the soviet union. in the vietnamese army, he always held senior command positions, rose to the rank of lieutenant general, was... the head of the defense industry of vietnam, and with the change in the country's economic course, the chairman of a military commercial bank, now the astronaut is retired, babysits his grandchildren and writes memoirs. the first afghan cosmonaut, ahad momat, who managed to fly on the soyuz tm-6 to the mir station, was popular with the pro-soviet government. on august 29, 1988, ahad momant went into space, and 5 months later his country fell into the abyss. at the height of the civil war, ahad momant, who received a gold star from gorbachev, tried to fly to moscow, but he was never given a visa. yeltsin's russia no longer needed its own