b. beanbag bag round at him could be ten feet away the pain had to be enormous when you least sued di pieri a parish sheriff's office over the incident his case has recently been settled out a bit to a lot of things you know it it kind of hurt you could i have shot it but i have never been a shadow it took me to go to jail having a shot as the by the iberia parish sheriff's office started to come out the f.b.i. in the civil rights division at the department of justice started investigating so essentially what happened is you had you've had everything from false arrest severe beatings in the jail to officers lying under oath for convictions to them what he dogs loose on prisoners in beating prisoners. i mean it's almost every crime that you can think of you know lying about evidence planting evidence literally beating people who are enemies of acol. after the department of justice investigated sheriff baca was charged with ordering the beating of the inmates in the jail that conspiring to cover it up. his trial took place in the fall of two thousand and sixteen it was moved to another town t