b. jarrett put it beautifully when he prayed, oh, strong son of god, while you prepare a place for us, prepare also the structure of the mass. the greatest prayer we can offer for dad, because it's not our prayer but the lord's. the mass looks to jesus yesterday. it reaches into the past, reaches into the last supper, to the crucifixion, to the resurrection, and it makes those mysteries and their power present here on this altar. jesus himself becomes present here today in the form of bread and wine so that we can unite all our prayers of thanksgiving, sorrow and petition with christ himself as an offering to the father. and all of this with a view to eternity, stretching towards heaven, where we hope one day to enjoy that perfect union with god himself and to see dad again and with him rejoice in the communion of saints. god, the almighty father, raised christ, his son, from the dead. with confidence we ask him to save all his people living and dead. for antonin who in baptism was given the pledge of eternal life, that he may now be committed to the communion of the saints. we pray to the lor