b. todd jones, the nominee to be director of the bureau of alcohol and tobacco, firearms. earlier this year i learned that the office of special counsel was investigating mr. jones in a complaint that he had retaliated against a whistle-blower in the u.s. attorney's office for the district of minnesota. in the judiciary committee, it has been the committee's practice that when a nominee is subject to an open investigation, the committee generally does not move forward until the issues are resolved. because of because of this practice i objected to holding his hearing last month and requested the hearing be postponed allowing the investigation to finish. my request was denied. then i objected to putting him on the committee agenda until the nonpartisan investigation was complete. again my request was rejected. and now, despite the fact there remains an open complaint of whistle-blowers retaliation against mr. jones before the office of special counsel, his office will soon be considered by the full senate. so i want all of my colleagues to know what happened because i'm qui