by the way, memphis,py remember meeting b.b. king on beihl street, is that what it's called. >> beihl street. >> i'll never forget it. >> it's hard to forget. >> exactly. >> if you remember, you can take my point, though. >> that's right. modern germany is an intricate part in modern europe. out of that war came something with a silver lining, the our apea an union, although it is being stressed enormously at the moment. by the influx of refugees from the middle east, who as far as i'm concerned came in as a result of the bush invasion in iraq. the consequences of that have not been fully understood by most people. most people have no understanding of history. you need to understand history fully. you need to go back to 1915 in the saxby deal that divvied up europe. in 1953, we had a democratically elected president of iran. democratically elected, he was sum air illy dismissed by the cia and british intelligence. asked to allow us to have unimpeded access to oil. we installed the shah who brought about khomeini, so the west has an e