why do you think the b.b.c. banned strange fruit?ow except that the song is trouble, and when the b.b.c. would have banned it, the british were all over africa. i suppose; i never thought about it before. i suppose it was analogous to the problems that the song had in france, which-- i mention that the song was translated into french-- a very good translation, actually-- and meeropol tried to get it recorded in france. and he got a letter back from his french publisher, saying-- you know, this is in 1953 or 1954-- saying, "the french have their own problems "in algeria and indochina. "they don't--you know, "they're having their own trouble with colored people. they don't want to hear this." you know, why was this song not played in south africa? it's the same thing. meeropol writes this incredible song. what else does he write? what becomes of him? he is sort of red-baited out of his school teaching position. he was examined during a kind of mccarthy-like set of inquiries in the early 1940s, and he leaves teaching. he goes to hollywo