b.c. lloyds barclays royal bank of scotland though they are now in the same line are the health care industry they would like their system that's been working fine for years to be continue to work fine in the way that it has been work they don't want privatization they don't want profiteers and all kinds of monopoly destroying it and picking apart and taking all the good bits and living all the debt so there's cameron and there's osborne and so why were the corruption is it in their soul is it in their they just are they outright taking bribes or are they just is it is about right graft or are they just stupid so they're they're either stupid they're on the take or they're just incompetent so those are the three choices yeah i mean it's right at the holidays ideology and their ideology is a free market ideology to sneer liberal ideology or not in a free market absolutely so i really cater to that quite happy to have state support you know state socialism for the banks but they're not prepared to have a health care system that's actually going to help grow the economy has done fantastically fo