ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ♪ ♪ ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ♪ ♪ ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ♪ ♪ ba ba ba ba ♪ ba ba ba ba ♪ ba da dad he came back in and he said, "you'll never guess who's just outside -- jimmy webb's son." the songwriter of the song we were singing, who's from the states, was in the foyer of the recording studio we happened to be in, in london. and he came in and met a few of us and gave us a really interesting insight into the song. and he was saying that his father, in his teens, in the '60s, was going through a pretty horrible breakup of a relationship and was walking through macarthur park in los angeles and, unusually for l.a., it was snowing and somebody had fashioned a cake with birthday candles out of snow in the park. and he was going through this relationship just falling apart and he saw this cake, that it'd started to rain and this cake of snow was just starting to melt all over the park. and he thought it was a great metaphor for his relationship and would he ever find a cake as wonderful, or a relationship as wonderful again? so isn't it strange how serendipitous moments like that ha