invvsttgating a nortt baattmore. &p3 we... wwre... on tte scene...clock this morning... on... eastt.. 30tt street.... nnar... occ ravvn road.../. a... mmn waa stabbedd.. sevvral times... in - thh stommch.... / he... wws takkn o the hhspital... -3& where his condition... is 33 puspect or otive. &p3 governor o'malley... for hii bill... to build... wind farms... off thh coast... will create more than 150 &ppermanent jobss but as john --3 rydell telll us how much your &pbecause of the plaa... & plann.. 3 "whh cares abbut heir children, wo cares abouu &ptheir grandchildre, yeah, we're going to ssve them." & environmentalistt call it the -3& most importantissuu this -3 seesion.thee're promoting wind wind ttrbiness...ff thee atlantii coast."so they can have ggod, clean,,renewablee &penergy."a plan...also senate presidenn mike miiler. (miller) ""ach &geeeration needs pure water, eech generation needs clean -3 air, thank you forrhelping &pmother earthh thank you for pelping make this happeen" & governor o'malley tells & committee...offshore -3 w