two days ago, i went to leave for work and i walked outside and baboom, a transformer blew. 30 seconds later... [makes whirring sound] ...the generac generator started. closed the door and i went to work with confidence because i knew my basement wouldn't flood, because i can rely on it 150%. >> generac has been building generators right here in the u.s.a. since 1959. they started the home standby category. today, generac is the number-one brand in residential standby generators in the world. and for good reason. generac designs and builds its generators from the ground up. engines, alternators, electronics and switches-- everything purpose-built and precisely optimized for reliable, efficient operation. this can't be said for other brands of generators. only generac purpose-build standby generators that have become an industry benchmark. >> to have a standby generator is so much, uh, more comforting and reassuring knowing that things are gonna be fine. >> with the generator, it's just a normal day. it kicks on, ya just keep goin'. >> it just that automatic comes on, automatically turn