after azarichi, they returned to the unit's location in babruysk.d their service, and during the liberation operation, bagration, knowing that they would have to answer. the international tribunal in nuremberg called the most terrible and cruel crime of the wehrmacht during the second world war, smirnov, who spoke there as deputy chairman from our country , said words for the protocol and for decision-making, despite the fact that there was no crematorium in azararichi, a dusheguk, but it is one of the most brutal camps, aimed at the destruction of the civilian population. in the forty-sixth year during the minsk trial, one of the creators of the death camp, general richard was sentenced to death, hanged at the minsk hippodrome. in december forty -seventh, 16 people involved in the creation of these camps were in the dock in gomel, but since in april forty-seventh the supreme soviet of the ussr abolished the death penalty, the criminal. the sss had to answer for it 30 years later, they were looking for them all over the soviet union. kashnikov was f