May 28, 2012
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we'll bring her bacc for an encore. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. 6)) once primarily a problem for male veterans the last decade has seen a significant rise in homelessness among female vets. "it is on the rise. about 8 percent of veterans who are identified as homeless are female." "you don't sleep well in a car not knowing who's going to come up to the car who's going to hurt you." the unique challenges faced by female military veterans... 3- it was the mooenn that had her leaping off her feet. feet.((cheers)) ((cheers))coming up... the winner f our star spangged the national anthem. &panthem. you're watching ox 45 good day baltimore. ((break 77) &p - she won our monster jam staa spangled sing off on friday.... his morning she is morning tia douglass.... 3&plet's look at the momenn you found out you won. woo. the cost of illegals what you are paying to keep a roof over eir heads.monday on fox44 3 áá7 day forecastáá 3 ((break 8))
we'll bring her bacc for an encore. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. 6)) once primarily a problem for male veterans the last decade has seen a significant rise in homelessness among female vets. "it is on the rise. about 8 percent of veterans who are identified as homeless are female." "you don't sleep well in a car not knowing who's going to come up to the car who's going to hurt you." the unique challenges faced by female military veterans... 3- it was the mooenn...
May 30, 2012
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are so you better make the most of - it.money maaazine came up with some easy tips to help you get baccr spark... first -- advance the biggest ball.if you feel like you're treading water with all of the taskssin front of you - decide what's most important and get it done. &pthe most satisfaction after completing meaningful ppojjcts. next -- own your peesonal growth.to make it to the nnxt level -- you're going to need better skills.so try and design projects that help you get that experiencc, and use it to yoor advantage in the future.also -- create a so- &pcalled "politics ree" zone. negativity is contagious in the workplace, o try and bring annuppeat attitudeeto yoor team.and finally -- use these days, a lot of employers offer options for workplace flexibility ---like teleccmmuting or work from home days.take advantage of those perks.after all -- you're still on the clock.i'm alison kosik in new york. -----end-----cnn.script----- a dangerous new ccmputer virus could be headed to the u-s. u-s.finn out "flame's" dangerous capabilities...and where it's been detected so far. far. 3 & dad l
are so you better make the most of - it.money maaazine came up with some easy tips to help you get baccr spark... first -- advance the biggest ball.if you feel like you're treading water with all of the taskssin front of you - decide what's most important and get it done. &pthe most satisfaction after completing meaningful ppojjcts. next -- own your peesonal growth.to make it to the nnxt level -- you're going to need better skills.so try and design projects that help you get that...
May 14, 2012
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at 3hii pointt- the airport was evacuated for aboutt90 minutes everything had practicalll flighhs baccue. joy lepola fox 455news at 5:30. fox45 mobile ews subscribers were the first to learn about the airport evacuation.you an get reaking news texts... weather alerts and school closinns sent diiectly to your cell phoneetext "wbff" to 45203 to ettstarted.you can &palso go to foxbaltimore dot com and click on "mobile" on the top righthand ornnr of the screen. phere's a new task force in baltimore county.../ wwrkingg.. solely to... catch metal heives. theives.baltiiore county police... say it'' crime... that as skyrocketedd n the past 2 &pgutters.../ ...3 all... to cash-in... t scrap yards.one of the latest jeanette ppice../ áátheivesáá wheelchair ramp ... right... from the ffont... of her home. "we wook very hard, it'' like pouring downnthe dollars doon the drain, what bothers me they're for speeial people" people"since 20099... metal theft has tripled. pn annapolis.../ day ne ...of the special sessioo... is now underway..../ focus...// ááraisingáá' income taxes. &ptaxxs.john rydell joon
at 3hii pointt- the airport was evacuated for aboutt90 minutes everything had practicalll flighhs baccue. joy lepola fox 455news at 5:30. fox45 mobile ews subscribers were the first to learn about the airport evacuation.you an get reaking news texts... weather alerts and school closinns sent diiectly to your cell phoneetext "wbff" to 45203 to ettstarted.you can &palso go to foxbaltimore dot com and click on "mobile" on the top righthand ornnr of the screen. phere's a new...
May 1, 2012
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from raleigh, north carolina toofort lauderdale to illinois po aspen, collrado to san diego and then baccng also described bizarre moments with rielle hunter. whee edwards' regnant mistress arriveddat hhr house in north carolina mrs. young tth entry way and nnounced, i'm here. at anothee point, she said unter orderrd a reubennsandwiih in a restaurant in colorado and sandwich wasnnt right, young said hunter picked up her cell phhne and called her spiritual advisor in califoonia to ask him to fix it. young said she &pactually wrote thousands of hunter's expenses, inccuding to pay the spiritual advvsor for his services. edwards is facing six felony charges and up to 30 yearr in prison if convicted on all counts. dads are staying home more aad . more.the one thing that's keepinggthem out of the workppacee..and home with their kids. kids.yeah its a fire in the houss. and hey were like its a fire elderly couple from their n - burnnng home!where the fire starttd... and how he was able to alert them of the flamms. &pit's a illmma any ouples face when thhy have children ... ddes it make financial
from raleigh, north carolina toofort lauderdale to illinois po aspen, collrado to san diego and then baccng also described bizarre moments with rielle hunter. whee edwards' regnant mistress arriveddat hhr house in north carolina mrs. young tth entry way and nnounced, i'm here. at anothee point, she said unter orderrd a reubennsandwiih in a restaurant in colorado and sandwich wasnnt right, young said hunter picked up her cell phhne and called her spiritual advisor in califoonia to ask him to fix...
May 15, 2012
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called the kids bacc.../ to ....he house.../ ááwhereáá she...m and an unbelievable story. shopping at this clarkston, washington walmart over the weeekend when he as biiten by a rattle snakk. he was rraccing down to chhck the pricc of someemulchhwhen he grabbed what he thought was a stick agaanst the ign. turns oot it was a veryyangry western diamondback,,a common venomous snake in the area. -3 3 3 "i weettto sling it off ann it sling it off twice and hen it hit the ground it curlee p." - 3& "i had a hero there ho knew 3 3& the hero as aa ffllow shopper who saw craig fling the snnke across the store. he rushed hii to &pthe hospiial. they got there in just enough timeeto save theehaddand administer the anti-venom. craig ays he owes hhs hand nn life to her. 3 a new beee can is 3 ppompttng some controversy. new punch top can... that 3 can.some say it acts ike a & youu system faster.... making young drinkers.. drinkers..thhttbrings us t our quustion of the day. is mmller targeting underage top can? can?? darlene writes on facebook...."yes this akes
called the kids bacc.../ to ....he house.../ ááwhereáá she...m and an unbelievable story. shopping at this clarkston, washington walmart over the weeekend when he as biiten by a rattle snakk. he was rraccing down to chhck the pricc of someemulchhwhen he grabbed what he thought was a stick agaanst the ign. turns oot it was a veryyangry western diamondback,,a common venomous snake in the area. -3 3 3 "i weettto sling it off ann it sling it off twice and hen it hit the ground it curlee...
May 18, 2012
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senators chuck schumer and bob casey say it was to dodge taxes on a windfall.saverin has turned his baccm, and helped him become a billionaire. responding in a statement thursday, saverin said --my decision to expatriate was based solely on my interest in siigapore, where i have been ssnce 2009. i am obligated to and will pay hunnrees of millions of dollars inntaxes to the united states government. i have paid and will continue to pay any taxes while a u.s. citizen.while - facebook wws the headline, schumer and casey also introduced legislation they call the ex-patrrot act,,that would force anyone who reeounccs u-s citizenship for tax purposes - to pay a 30 percenn tax on future u-s investments -- and bar them they don't pay.in washiigton, 3 3 3 dr martinnluthee king?al jolson?adolph hitler?who--ever this kid tried imitating... baccfired... at school... thats next she's known as the girr hat took down the governnr. why eliot spitzer's foomer call girl is trading that title for businesswoman. 3 ashhey dupre.../ has... opened...// shop.../ ashhey... - dupree...// áánameáá... sound the wooa
senators chuck schumer and bob casey say it was to dodge taxes on a windfall.saverin has turned his baccm, and helped him become a billionaire. responding in a statement thursday, saverin said --my decision to expatriate was based solely on my interest in siigapore, where i have been ssnce 2009. i am obligated to and will pay hunnrees of millions of dollars inntaxes to the united states government. i have paid and will continue to pay any taxes while a u.s. citizen.while - facebook wws the...
May 22, 2012
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is bacc. pacc.the second official teaser trailer forr'annhormann 2' has been releasee.thh movve reunitesrrell... steve &pand opens next yeaa!! 3 3&p((ad libbmeteorologist)) &p3ppick season is expecced to one of he wwrrt on recood. recorr.cominn up... the trouble wwth ticks... the 3 3 ((im candace dolddaad im davii coook.hess astered the finale. we're goiig to ick his braii, coming up neet..) 3 ((break 6)) "i knew at that point that god himself rescued me." "god had a reason for her to be there." "it's only because of god's grace that i'm sitting here." "i can only say that the lord sent an angel and removed lisa from the car." "god can conquer everything, even death itself." "i love god because he saves you when you're sick." 3 tonight kicks off the 2 nighh seeaon finale offamerican idol. idol.candace dold is covering everyyangle of thh coopetitionn frro hollywood.she spoke with the top 2 abouttthe pressure what they're doing to win. win. 3 nats::ww love youphhllip and jessica nter the biggget wwek & of their livve21:44-bess of 33 spotllghta. (girl trring tt get iccnats: we gotta go,, ex
is bacc. pacc.the second official teaser trailer forr'annhormann 2' has been releasee.thh movve reunitesrrell... steve &pand opens next yeaa!! 3 3&p((ad libbmeteorologist)) &p3ppick season is expecced to one of he wwrrt on recood. recorr.cominn up... the trouble wwth ticks... the 3 3 ((im candace dolddaad im davii coook.hess astered the finale. we're goiig to ick his braii, coming up neet..) 3 ((break 6)) "i knew at that point that god himself rescued me." "god had a...
May 23, 2012
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todayyone business waa helping by inntaaling 3 3 "i've been tthough a lot in my life able to givv bacc't suree hy anyone would wann o attack heir church. 3 baltimore countt ppolic.... arress... a man .../ they... ay claiied... toobe .../ a... offfcer.ii.../ in... saint marrys county..... áápoliceáá say... 31-year old.../ & donald ... church.../ -3 was seen... wearing... whaa appeared to e.../ a handgun... / and... diiplaying a pis neck....// áábaltimoreáá county police....say chuuch.../ ight... have -33 dooe .../ he... psame thing....here... // ááandáá arr... asking anyonee... who... might have encountered him.../ to... call... investigators. the petition drive to put - same-see marriage before the voters s about reach onn off its deaddines. 3 3 the maryllnd marriage 3 same-sex arriige law was collecting signatures today in bel air. and a nmber of -3& eopleewere signinn upp 3 "i heard thh petition..... its abouu time ffr government to - ptarrtng listeninggto the eople people organnzers of the petition drive ay they plan to turn in one thiid offthe signaauurs nneded sometiim -3 next wee
todayyone business waa helping by inntaaling 3 3 "i've been tthough a lot in my life able to givv bacc't suree hy anyone would wann o attack heir church. 3 baltimore countt ppolic.... arress... a man .../ they... ay claiied... toobe .../ a... offfcer.ii.../ in... saint marrys county..... áápoliceáá say... 31-year old.../ & donald ... church.../ -3 was seen... wearing... whaa appeared to e.../ a handgun... / and... diiplaying a pis neck....// áábaltimoreáá county police....say...
May 2, 2012
eye 312
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we're bacc with doctor nancy kauddr from eastern animal &phoopital.she's here o answer your pett.our ines are open now...call us aa 440--81- 4545... rain pikksville pikesville 3 krystale says, "howwcan i et py 3 year old boxer to calm down when new people cooe into my home?" trrcey says, "my two year old cat shane recently ecided to start (goinn to theebathroom) &ppn thhefloor. we keep his boo clean...we got him a bigger litter ann moved thh boo to any iiea how to change this parktonr?"dean parkton dean parrton parktoo 3 briana asks, "how do you get wet food?" rain could rule the week... find out if it could allo ruin your weekend next. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. &p "i knew at that point that god himself rescued me." "god had a reason for her to be there." "it's only because of god's grace that i'm sitting here." "i can only say that the lord sent an angel and removed lisa from the car." "god can conquer everything, even death itself." "i love god because he saves you when you're sick." lose weight... by doing noohing. what you might be missing as you try to slim down
we're bacc with doctor nancy kauddr from eastern animal &phoopital.she's here o answer your pett.our ines are open now...call us aa 440--81- 4545... rain pikksville pikesville 3 krystale says, "howwcan i et py 3 year old boxer to calm down when new people cooe into my home?" trrcey says, "my two year old cat shane recently ecided to start (goinn to theebathroom) &ppn thhefloor. we keep his boo clean...we got him a bigger litter ann moved thh boo to any iiea how to change...
May 19, 2012
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we'll be right bacc (cheers and applause). >> jon: welcome back. so we talked about the president earlier. and along with the same-sex marriage announcement you may have heard president obama has a new lady in his life and she... i should explain. it's call "the life of julia" and it's a new web ad explaining how the average american woman might benefit from obama's policies. from some affordable student loans to government health insurance to other... oh, my god! look out for the bus! oh! oh! (laughter) it's just all so realistic. (laughter) the whole something a little simplistic but nothing worth getting too worked up over. and watch everybody get real worked up. >> it's sexist to assume women cannot make it on their own. >> when we say kraeud toll grave government nanny state this is exactly what we mean. >> what does it say about a president's policies when he has to use a cartoon character rather than real people to justify his records. (cheers and applause) >> jon: that strategy almost worked for john mccain. (audience reacts) (cheers and ap
we'll be right bacc (cheers and applause). >> jon: welcome back. so we talked about the president earlier. and along with the same-sex marriage announcement you may have heard president obama has a new lady in his life and she... i should explain. it's call "the life of julia" and it's a new web ad explaining how the average american woman might benefit from obama's policies. from some affordable student loans to government health insurance to other... oh, my god! look out for...
May 6, 2012
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parks.he's a star on tte football field... 3 but ravens running bacc, ray rice, is now taking on & different kind of oppooent known as bullyyng. - m-and-t baak stadium...wwih the story oo his newest enemy.....- for whht e does during 3 m-and-t bank stadium. but & during hhs off-season, hh's to get the messagee o kids... that bbllying s not a game. 3 3 3&ppe's the star running back of the baltimore ravens... ut tooay, ray rice tooo on a ddfferrnt positiin... to tackke bullying. 4451if you are a victim of being bullied... i juut want to seee -3 a shoo of hands f you've been -3 bullied efore 5rice wassone &panti-bullyiig orum today at howard high school. he says it was the story of grace mccomas - a 15-year-old glenelg high school studeet who took er own liff laat month becauss of bullying...that inspired him to sttp up and speak out. 50:28 you got a fammly wwo lost theii beauutful youug dduuhtee over some internet -3bullying kind of thing 34 grace's paaents - christine and david mccomas - wwre at today's forum..they ay thee want ttostand up for theer daughter and other children & going througg
parks.he's a star on tte football field... 3 but ravens running bacc, ray rice, is now taking on & different kind of oppooent known as bullyyng. - m-and-t baak stadium...wwih the story oo his newest enemy.....- for whht e does during 3 m-and-t bank stadium. but & during hhs off-season, hh's to get the messagee o kids... that bbllying s not a game. 3 3 3&ppe's the star running back of the baltimore ravens... ut tooay, ray rice tooo on a ddfferrnt positiin... to tackke bullying....
May 24, 2012
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we'll o bacc to hollywood in plss han 30 minutes..-3 if you live in baltimore pcitt or tte surroundings.. your watee bill could soon take a big jump.. jump. myranda baltimooe with whyythe city is asking for a 9-perrenn hike. hike. 3 the departtent of public works - ssys tte hike is necessary to uudate the ity's aging infraatructure. but many reeidentt say a 9-percent & increase... could drain their wallets. 3 3 3 assthe owner of mmens store in hampden... aniil wylie doesn't have a huge water bill at workk.bt at hhme...it's a different story. 4844 i have a & 11 yearrold ddughter and she takes lng showers 3 nntssof wwter!!!and soon... those water bills coull bb goiig up. the city's departmmnt of public worrssis now calling forra á9-percentt ncrraseá in -3water and sewer rates. that & four could pay aa extra -3 á97-bucksá per year!55::9 it can hurt people ii the long - run because the ost of livvngg &pis going up but people's & innomes are not 15but ity officiall ssy the rate hiie is necessary ... to repair old 3 liness..that are often the culppittbeeind waatr main breaks across thh city
we'll o bacc to hollywood in plss han 30 minutes..-3 if you live in baltimore pcitt or tte surroundings.. your watee bill could soon take a big jump.. jump. myranda baltimooe with whyythe city is asking for a 9-perrenn hike. hike. 3 the departtent of public works - ssys tte hike is necessary to uudate the ity's aging infraatructure. but many reeidentt say a 9-percent & increase... could drain their wallets. 3 3 3 assthe owner of mmens store in hampden... aniil wylie doesn't have a huge...
May 25, 2012
eye 365
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bacc when it wws bethlehem steel, now it's r-g.. where his days are now numbered.ibson) "oo yea, it bothhree me..expected to work 4 or 5 more years, at least 62, 65. lots of us planned to worrk. healthcare, big tting down there now. that's why a lot of people hang around, healthcare." gibsoo is washing down his disaapointing dilema t mickey's bar near workers in the area...... pbut manager toni catris.... (catris) "itts ust slowed down, like nothing..." ........sayy businees hhs dropped.. ann will simply get worse with rg steel's plann to idde operations in sparrows poinn.(catris) "this is the thiid generation ttattwe're here.. we're the third micky's.. and hopefully we can pull it off a fourth generatin. but the waa it's going,,it's just, it's kinda scaay.."........grim news, they say, that trickles down from the plant to its suppliers, including workers at nelson's box compaayy. who liie gibson...are at micky's.....(jjnes) "so, that meaassif we can't send material ovvr there, ttaa means that therees no work for us. so, that shortens the means unemmloyment and tha
bacc when it wws bethlehem steel, now it's r-g.. where his days are now numbered.ibson) "oo yea, it bothhree me..expected to work 4 or 5 more years, at least 62, 65. lots of us planned to worrk. healthcare, big tting down there now. that's why a lot of people hang around, healthcare." gibsoo is washing down his disaapointing dilema t mickey's bar near workers in the area...... pbut manager toni catris.... (catris) "itts ust slowed down, like nothing..." ........sayy businees...
May 29, 2012
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." -3 hamilton failed to get her job bacc the second time file the proper papeework in - timm. meantiiee no in general, the department does not comment on personnel matters. keith daniels, fox 45 news at ten. a baltimorr county couule ends up in the hospital after a home invasioo. invasion.a maa was shht and a woman wws stabbed yesterday on aldworth road in north point. a witness said two men knocked on the door claiming to be baltiiore city police. they home and starred yelling he "where is the money". one womaa who lives there says she &ppnd her daugther were in an upssairs bedroom when shh "i hurried up and i called 911 the one with the knife saw me and he lung at me with the in between us and said no yoo - aint stabbing my mother and she ggt ii between ussand i ttink that's howwshe got stabb" stabbed."police say the sussects got away in a car that was parkee in the alley. home.the two victims are expecttd tt recover. the man who shot his girlfriend and then turned the gun on himself after a ptandoff with police... has been idenntfied. it happened around noon yesterday on bb
." -3 hamilton failed to get her job bacc the second time file the proper papeework in - timm. meantiiee no in general, the department does not comment on personnel matters. keith daniels, fox 45 news at ten. a baltimorr county couule ends up in the hospital after a home invasioo. invasion.a maa was shht and a woman wws stabbed yesterday on aldworth road in north point. a witness said two men knocked on the door claiming to be baltiiore city police. they home and starred yelling he...
May 16, 2012
eye 371
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that makes some peopleesay ánoá to sex...when we come bacc [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big club card deals each week. right now, a sweet price on honey nut cheerios, just $1.88. starbucks coffee is only $7.77. that's less than a quarter for a great cup of coffee. and fage greek yogurt is just a buck. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. real big deals this week and every week. mattresses .../ have skyrocketee.../ in.../ recent years.../ &p ááinducingáá a ...blissful... makinn.../ sex a challengg...///. áátheáá... plush,... and squiihy,.../ pattresses.../// distress... people duringg ssx..../ ááthieráá ááseexáá thhrapists... say:.../ ááthere'sáá p a... lack oo resistance.../ for... phh knees ..and feet..../// are... weighing the risks.,../ - / agaanst the good sleee -- / . - ááthey'reáá... decidedly... voting p..with their eeelids:.../ áátheyáá choose... to snooze...////. about 900 milllon people... use ffcebook....but about half the ones innamerica think the pebbite...is just a passing áfaá áfaadfacebook is going public áfriday
that makes some peopleesay ánoá to sex...when we come bacc [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big club card deals each week. right now, a sweet price on honey nut cheerios, just $1.88. starbucks coffee is only $7.77. that's less than a quarter for a great cup of coffee. and fage greek yogurt is just a buck. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. real big deals this week and every week. mattresses .../ have skyrocketee.../ in.../ recent...
May 22, 2012
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should haae neveer otten out of hii car in the first pllce. 3 "i mean that's a lot of blood on the baccly he has ome - pose"these are neewy released photts of georgg zimmerman &pfrom he night of the shhoting. they clearly show he wass 3&pyeaa oll trayvon martinn partin."this clearly looks & like he hhssan injury tt his nose, but the worrt picture is that picture""immeeran claims hh shoo trayvon in self defense, affer he tten slammed him toothe ground.weet palm beach defense attornny supports the claiimthaa -3 zzmmerman was attackkd hat iggt: night:"iithink it's going to be impossibbe for them to ggtt a seeond degree murder is learly oveecharged" hundreds of ppaessof doouments -& have been reeeased from the -3 autopsy tt witness stateeentt. does shoo a cut...a small abrasson onnhissfinger,, indicating he may havee unched zimmerman.and the first 3 zimmerman, founn him out of breathh breaah: 3 trayvvn artin's mother was in sundaa...sseaking to a church about her ordeal.we asked booh sybrinaafflton nd hhr attorney aaout the new evidence: evidenne:"how tougg has it been wil all thissevidence
should haae neveer otten out of hii car in the first pllce. 3 "i mean that's a lot of blood on the baccly he has ome - pose"these are neewy released photts of georgg zimmerman &pfrom he night of the shhoting. they clearly show he wass 3&pyeaa oll trayvon martinn partin."this clearly looks & like he hhssan injury tt his nose, but the worrt picture is that picture""immeeran claims hh shoo trayvon in self defense, affer he tten slammed him toothe ground.weet...
May 11, 2012
eye 366
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who the airline is bbaaiig for the mix up and why the family didn't get bacc on the flight..ng as 3 &pquuck eliminatioo nats natsand.. an idol dream.. over.hollie cavannugh joins s live.. to tell us the do.. now that she's no looger ii the runnnng tt be the next american idol. 3 3 p,3ffiday, may 11th beechfield elementary/middle water main break. for once...you won't have to worry abouttgassprices..t's our fox45 rooal farms fill up contest!we're givvng away three... 100 dollar royal farms gas cards all eek loog. - congratulatiins!!f you didnnt win this time don't orry... the box?the only way you can r.- win is by "liking" us on facebook.all yyu have to do is go to our acebook page... bbalimore to enter.ash foo 3 3 -3 3 &p 3&pcoldspring---41--map a arning this morninn foo cops show up in a southwest -p an elderly man. man.75-year old george johnssn says he was approaahed about whooflashed a badge and ssid - thee haa warrrnt to search his home for evidence of ptolen money..nce inside.... &pthey wanted to check the seriaa numbers on his money... to compare it to piccures of the
who the airline is bbaaiig for the mix up and why the family didn't get bacc on the flight..ng as 3 &pquuck eliminatioo nats natsand.. an idol dream.. over.hollie cavannugh joins s live.. to tell us the do.. now that she's no looger ii the runnnng tt be the next american idol. 3 3 p,3ffiday, may 11th beechfield elementary/middle water main break. for once...you won't have to worry abouttgassprices..t's our fox45 rooal farms fill up contest!we're givvng away three... 100 dollar royal farms...
May 23, 2012
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.- ppart. 3 let's pop hem in the oven. pe'll check bacc in onn hem in - pur 8 o'clook hour to see ifor more information on the 3& to foxbaltiiore dot com slash &pnewslinkss 3&pcooing up ii our 8 ''llok hour.. 3 we're giving awayyanother 100- pdoolar gift ccrddstayytuned to pseeeif your name is draww... 3 yoo''e watchinn foo 45 mooning. agents, be on the lookout . [ people screaming ] hmm... oh, one small black cocoa creme iced coffee, please -- yum. woman: will that be all? [ brakes...
May 28, 2012
eye 359
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came down and pere really glad to be hhmee - when you et back from war like that, you kind of look bacctough, that was tough, but now i'm hooe." 50-th anniversary ll be at -3 commemmration of the vietnnm war. animal lovers... looerss..find out the cities that welcooe you and yyur pets...plus... where ownnrs spend up to 48-dollars on tony pagnotti has your full st - you're watching foox45 - morniiggnews.. all local.. all morning. ((break 5)) [ jared ] uh, michael? you know... big game... that was sort of supposed to be for all of us. [ slurping ] [ male announcer ] give 'em what they love. subway! giant subs, sandwich and cookie platters. and big-time value. subway catering. order today! i'm sticky and uncomfortable. try gold bond powder. medicated to protect, absorb, even relieve itching. -thanks, jimmy. -thank gold bond. ♪ this stuff works p(bump in)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 he's staying for six more years! years!adam jones will be here through 20-18 and his new contract pays him extremly well. well.that brings us to our questiin of the ddy.will adam jones' new 6 year contract help
came down and pere really glad to be hhmee - when you et back from war like that, you kind of look bacctough, that was tough, but now i'm hooe." 50-th anniversary ll be at -3 commemmration of the vietnnm war. animal lovers... looerss..find out the cities that welcooe you and yyur pets...plus... where ownnrs spend up to 48-dollars on tony pagnotti has your full st - you're watching foox45 - morniiggnews.. all local.. all morning. ((break 5)) [ jared ] uh, michael? you know... big game......
May 8, 2012
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thicker and makes for onger, puller lashes... 3 poming up.... 3 will smitt and tommy lle jones are bacc you're watchinn fox 45 morning news.. all llcal.. all morning. & p3 (((reakk7)) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] virtual wallet can help you be that person who's good with money. see what's free to spend. move money with a slide. save with a shake. feel good about your decisions. ç=ç=ç= Ñ;wo 3&p"here take this and all you have to do is jump... you wantt me to jummp ime jump. faall. & -butt to- kay? how do you 3 knnw my namm?" name?" agents j ann k re back for a third round..mn and black 3 isscoming out later this month...and dunkkn swwet.stacee carroll joins us in black 3 donuts--men in lack 3 for more 3&ppiformation n unkin onuus, log on o fox baltimore dot coo slash morning. 3 coming up on good day baltimoree.. 3 ttouble todaa... for john &ptravolta.thh surprissng claimm one ámaná is makingg.. about the actoor.ou're watccing ox 45 morning news.. all looal.. all morning. 3 3 tuesday,, my 8tt. 3
thicker and makes for onger, puller lashes... 3 poming up.... 3 will smitt and tommy lle jones are bacc you're watchinn fox 45 morning news.. all llcal.. all morning. & p3 (((reakk7)) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] virtual wallet can help you be that person who's good with money. see what's free to spend. move money with a slide. save with a shake. feel good about your decisions. ç=ç=ç= Ñ;wo 3&p"here take this and all you have to do is jump... you wantt me to jummp...
May 2, 2012
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president obbma ii expecced to be bacc at theewhite house this afternoon...kness tuesday att afghanistan's ba-gram airrbase. he then boarded a heavily &parmed chin-ook helicopter to kabul... where he signee a strategic partnership &pagrrement with afghan president hamid karzai. it outlinns the expectee relationship between he countries in the yeers after the u-s ompletes its planned trrop withdraaal in 20-14. hhre to claim resources or to a very clear mission. we came to destrry al qaeda. natsot - cs cheerrthe president returned back home... sayiig the u-s wil out of afghanistan by the end of summer. there's a new reen weaponnto fight obeesty in up to give students healthier options at unch-time. joel d. smith is live at the newest one in west baltimore with ore on whyya major cable station is sponsooing the chaage. good morning joel d. p3 3 3 a blinn person canndepend on a seeing eye dog. buu what ddes a blind dog depend on?? quick barks year--ld golden retriever problems thht landed him in an animal hospptal in oklahoma. that's where he mett"blair"... &pa s
president obbma ii expecced to be bacc at theewhite house this afternoon...kness tuesday att afghanistan's ba-gram airrbase. he then boarded a heavily &parmed chin-ook helicopter to kabul... where he signee a strategic partnership &pagrrement with afghan president hamid karzai. it outlinns the expectee relationship between he countries in the yeers after the u-s ompletes its planned trrop withdraaal in 20-14. hhre to claim resources or to a very clear mission. we came to destrry al...