and i was in sacramento last friday, and they had a bacci ball tournament. when i heard about this bacci ball tournament, when the commissioners were invited, it never dawned on me that i would be going. my grandson takes his soccer lessons at this park in east sacramento, so that was sort of fun. so i did go over, and captain darius latrop, who works for chief soto in training, was sort of the spear head of the whole thing. it was quite a good time. i really enjoyed seeing the camaraderie of batallion chief to firefighter, and you never knew anybody's rank unless you asked them, but it was very cool. and it was a 29-year-old baby. one of the firefighters had a child, and that was one. but it was great. i really enjoyed it. i was happy to see a group of people that live in the sacramento area that are involved in this. it was terrific, and i was just happy to see firefighters getting together on their own time, having a good time, and seeing how much they like each other, and that was really fun. i just wanted to thank captain latrop for a beautiful facility