you see up here and see their public domain are under the creative commons and free to use it bacher bhushan for this purpose. that's so we can all avoid and debate about whether use is okay. there are a number of other limitations on the rights of a copyright holder. we give rights to libraries. rates and coaches to nonprofit educational institutions and this is an the place where we can go over them the need to understand the bundle of rights is not actually a. brides are great, but where'd you get get to exercise them? they are good i receive through the united states, but as a result of treaties our government has entered into. the copyrights are international. that sets them apart from other intellectual properties. you spectacle to foreign patent offices. if you have the trademark act could afford mark trading offices. because of these treaties that say the basic idea is parody, the u.s. must afford to foreign authors the same benefit to its own citizen's court found that begins in copyrights. when we go abroad, our copyrights have to be accepted on the same terms as another country. e