first of all, myself, michelle bachmann, parker griffith, bob inglis, i believe jerry moran, maybe todd akin, those people i can think of have all introduced legislation to repeal obamacare. a stand-alone repeal of obamacare that is 100% repeal of obamacare, pull it out by the roots, pull it out root and branch, there's not one particle of obamacare d.n.a. left behind. this has become a toxic stew that we've ingested now and it's turning into a ma ig -- a malignant tumor that will start to metastasize in 2014 when obamacare is fully implemented. here's whht we do. my bill and others' bills, we have 90-something co-sponsors on this legislation. i've introduced a discharge petition. i think it's discharge petition number 11. i'm not certain of the number, i think that's the number. i signed it a lot of others have signed it, a lot more need to sign it because of this if a discharge petition gets 218 signatures on it here in the well of the house, it has to come to the floor for a vote unamended that means we can force a vote even over the rule of the speaker of the house who surely would